Tales of Protection
Erik Fosnes Hansen
“In December 1930 Knut Hamsun wrote a letter from Norholm thanking the Danish writer and critic Tom Kristensen for his novel Havoc, which had just been published in Denmark. ‘I don’t think I have ever been so enthralled by’ a book – a brilliant and major work,’ Hamsun wrote. ‘I have written books myself, so l understand, but now I am humble, for no book matches yours. Accept my respectful tribute.’
“Were Karen Blixen alive today, she would most probably reach for her pen in Denmark and write a similar letter to send to Norway in respect of Erik Fosnes Hansen’s latest novel, with its Hamsunesque and not least Blixenesque stature. She would praise Fosnes Hansen for his feudal lavishness as a storyteller. She would remark on the novel’s virtuoso leaps in time and space, the density of its subject matter, the musicality of the language, the tale’s divine sport with humankind and the masks we wear, the astute discussions about art and science, the humor, the frivolity. The resolute vision of the natural world, and especially the novel’s narrative vitality and magnanimity.
“With a deeply satisfied sigh, Blixen would perhaps use the quite exceptIonal word ‘extravaganza.’ And then of course the Baroness would add a flirtatious, ambiguous P.S. intimating how more than welcome the young and gifted Norwegian would always be at Rungstedlund…
“Erik Fosnes Hansen has written a masterpiece” -JENS ANDERSON, DAGBLADET (OSLO)