The Navajo Way


ISBN 9780890132753
uit 1995
? pagina’s, niet genummerd
Afmetingen 17.5 x 12.5 x 1 cm
Uitgever: Museum of New Mexico Press

Boek heeft weinig gebruikerssporen, stickerresten op de achterkant, het zijn allemaal postcards, zie ook foto’s



The Navajo Way


From the half-million images in the Museum of New Mexico Photo Archíves in Santa Fe comes “The Postcard Archive Series” featuring striking historical photographs in fine duolone reproduction- detachable and ready to mail or frame.

Athabascan-speaking Indians, today’s Navajo and Apache people, began filtering into the Four Corners region of the Southwest about a.n. 1500. Nomadic hunters and gatherers when they arrived, the Navajo soon adopted a semi-sedentary way of life from the Pueblo Indians of the area, and the cultivation of corn and weaving practices soon devèloped. With the arrival of the Spanish in 1598 came horses and sheep vital in the development of modern Navajo culture.

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