The Problem of Knowledge

A. J. Ayer


ISBN 9780140135473
uit 2000
223 pagina’s
Afmetingen 12.5 x 20 x 1.3 cm
Uitgever: Penguin Books

Boek heeft gebruikerssporen. Is op meerdere pagina’s in geschreven. Pagina’s zijn wat vergeeld zie ook foto’s



The Problem of Knowledge

A. J. Ayer


How do you know that this is a book? More to the point, how do you know that you know?

In this major book the acclaimed author of Language, Truth and Logic tackles one of the central issues of philosophy – how we can be sure we know anything – by setting out all the sceptic’s arguments and trying to counter them one by one. In considering all the main philosophical issues involved- how we know that something is a fact, that our senses and memory don’t deceive us, that other people are conscious in the same way that we are – he throws a clear light on the nature of our fundamental beliefs and provides an outstanding example of the philosophical mind at work.

“AJ. Ayer was the most important British philosopher of his generation. the breadth of vision, the clarity of thought, the case and elegance of style, the bold incisive arguments, the searching appraisal of fashionable doctrine, and, above all, his peculiar genius for getting to the core of a problem and setting the issues in the right perspective- all these characteristics made his writings the very model of how philosophy should be done’- Independent

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