The Use of Lateral Thinking

Edward de Bono


ISBN 0140214461
Uit: 1972
141 pagina’s
Afmetingen  13 x 20 x 1.4 cm
Uitgever: Penguin Books

Boek met wat gebruikersschade, ‘deukje’ in het boek, is wat vergeeld zie ook foto’s



The Use of Lateral Thinking

Edward de Bono

‘In this extremely well-written book Dr de Bono attempts to describe the nature of a creative form of thinking and ways in which it can be developed’ – Times Literary Supplement

This is Edward de Bono’s original portrayal of a mental process which he in no way claims to have invented. In it he deliberately uses the lateral approach (with intriguing visual examples in one chapter) to sketch in the nature of lateral thinking.

There emerges the concept of an imaginative, free-wheeling, opportunist (but low-probability) mode of thought in which fresh ideas, which may well be simple, sound and effective, are often thrown up. Lateral thinking is thus contrasted with the orthodox, logical, unimaginative (but high-probability) process of vertical thinking, from which it differs as a bus differs from a tram. In a changing world both modes are required.

This pioneering and suggestive book, along with The Mechanism of Mind, now joins The Five-Day Course in Thinking in the Pelican list. They are the products of a research scientist who notably – and very clearly – thinks for himself.

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